Welcome to the Hyperlink Adventure iceberg, before you start remember this if it's blue then it's narrated by me, if it's white then someone else is narrating it.


HTML - Acording to Wikipedia, HTML (HyperText Markup Language) is the language used to create websites, it launched in 1993. Currently it is at version 5.

Hyperlink - Hyperlinks, or simply links, are references to data that the user can access by clicking on it. These links can lead to a document or a whole new website.

BSOD - BSOD or BlueScreenOfDeath is the creator of Hyperlink Adventure,
I personaly dont know why I chose this name but i like it.

88x31 buttons / bluinkers - These were ways to promote or redirect to diffrent websites in the 90's and 2000's. Right now no one really uses buttons or blinkers, except for those who want to decorate their website.

Promos - This entry refers to the promotional videos that were made for this website. We got the inital trailer, the Christmas Special and the 11111 Special.

Special events - Whenever is a holiday like christmas or easter, the website get a new desing on the home page and maybe a special web page that is related to the holiday.
This year we didn't had easter on Hyperlink Adventure beacuse i didn't had time for it.

1 1 1 1 1 - This refers to the 11111 Special where we celebrated 10,000 views and 1,111 updates. This event was promoted everywhere on the site, from the home page with the text "Soon..." getting more and more corrupted, to the changelog with a section of it being corupted and filled with 1's, to it having a special page where the video for the 11111 Special was premiered.

Neocities - Neocities is the platform where you upload and visit websites. The comunity of this platform is full of like-minded people that will help you whenever you encounter problems with your website.



Microsoft FrontPage - Microsoft FrontPage  is a discontinued WYSIWYG HTML editor and website administration tool from Microsoft. The last edition of this program is Microsoft FrontPage 2003, but it had follow-ups like Mircosoft Expresion Web and SharePoint Designer. This is the program used to create this entiire website.

Other projects - Hyperlink Adventure is not the first project made. Before this were Professional Computers and Cargo-ro. [PC] was the first project made in HTML
(this is abandoned) and Cargo-ro was the second (the files for this were accidentaly deleted).

BluBoi - This is the name of the BitView chanel of BSOD, there isn't much content there, for now at least.

Ads - The ads on Hyperlink Adventure are just images of old ads. Some people make websites to display all sorts of 88x31 buttons or blinkers,
so I decided to make something similar, but it displays old ads for all sorts of companies, apps, games or events, it's called GoAdvertise.com, I'll talk about it in a moment.

PlayMusic4Free.org -
This is a website that I made with after a cousin came up with the idea of it. It is a reference  to the suspicious looking websites that let's you download music and videos from youtube. You can acces it from a blue button with the text "Visit The so BEST MP3 Sites" good luck finding it. The songon that page are unavalible.

GoAdvertiese.com - This is the "website" where all the old ads are displayed, you can acces it from the ad above he start button. The word "Adver
tiese" is intentionaly spelled wrong beacuse advertising is business and businessmen wear ties. Make sure you have adblocker turned off!

8.1 billion views - The counter from the bottom of the page is a gif, it redirects to worldometer whici is a website displaying how many humans were born and died. You can probably get the joke.

First Version -
This entry could have 2 meanings, first it could reference the first version of the website (you can see it in the 11111 SPECIAL) or second, the very first version that i made on m phone,, it was just a blank page with links that did not get you anywhere.

Discord server - Hyperlink Adventure has a Discord server, but its dead, BSOD used to announce stuff and show sneak peeks of future updates there, but has eventualy stopped.

HTML Discord server arguments - At the early stage of Hyperlink Adventure I joined the HTML Community discord server to find other enthusiasts, I did found people that liked the project, one of them even became mod on the Hyperlink Adventure discord server, but tere were others that started to complain about the site not having css. And at that point the user "CSS Expert" (that was literaly his name) started to argue with me over the fact that the site looked like shit. I told him that I am just an amateur and I was trying my best, but the arguing still continued. He told me to d some research about color psychology and the arguing ended when I told him that the research was pointless.

Bad code / code comments -
The code of the website is simply terrible because I rely on a 21 year old program, it's all spaghetti, and the only way to make it just a bit better I added some random comments to the code.

Snapshots - For a short period of time it was possible to see how the new update would look like. Later the snapshots were closed and the update presented got cancelled due to spaghetti code.


Scratch Projects -
Long before I called my self BSOD and even longer before I'd knew what HTML I made Scratch "games" using code blocks. Due to lack of motivation and time I quitted making scratch projects.

okayxarien - Okayxarien is a youtuber and musician (kinda) that is well known from the web exploration series. On the date of March 23rd she released a video where she explores sites on neocities, Hyperlink Adventure appeared in this video, right after Sugar for Brains. Go and watch it!!!!!

ULTRA DARK MODE - This is a blog page or maybe a status page where BSOD says random stuff. The only thing that is intresting about it is the fact that you need to select the text with mouse cursor or by pressing Crtl and A to see the text.

Microsoft Expression Web - This is the spiritaual succesor of Microsoft FrontPage. It looks like a modern version of FrontPage and also has support for CSS. This program was used to make Internet's Bathroom.

coweatingfood.neocities.org -
This is a website made by someone who copied some stuff from the front page of Hyperlink Adventure. First I was surprised by the fact that someone took stuff from an obscure website like mine. I asked the creator why did he took stuff from my site and to at least credit me, the response was that he was new to HTML and used some assets from my site as inspiration. After some time I remembered coweatingfood and decided to look deeper and found more stuff that were stolen from my website like a test page and changelog and other stuff. At that moment I asked the creator if it was possible to remove the pages that were stolen, he did not responded to me and the next day coweatingfood was taken down. For some reason the page was archived and can be accessed with WayBack Machine.

lack of updates - The lack of updates are caused by the lack of time, motivation and ideas.

Hyperlink Adventures - Coincidente? I think not yes! Hyperlink Adventure is refering to 2 CYOA websites made by students at Victoria Park Academy.

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