Congrats, you reached the "About me" page!

Now, if you got a moment to talk, please stay here. :)

Now lets start.


Hello, my name is Denis, also known as BSOD or Blue Screen Of Death or whatever. I am 17, I live in Romania and I am very passionate about computers, software and in this case classic websites.


The idea of Hyperlink Adventure came to after playing the game Progressbar 95. In that game you have a browser which depending on the operating system you're playing on, as example on Progressbar 98 (Windows 98), if you go to the browser you will get all sorts of old websites and blogs and stuff and if you're on Progressbar 10 (Windows 10), the websites will be new, modern. I really liked that idea and wanted it to turn into reality, and succesfully did it after many attempts.


So... yeah, that's it for now. I didn't got much to say about myself or some of my other projects. Well, it was nice having you here, hope we will meet again.

Check these links out

The history of this website

The STIM page

The changelog


Bye! :)